About Me: Part Three - Laughter through Tears
The biggest lesson I have learned in my lifetime was to find some light in every darkness. I’ve decided to find the humor and light in my story, no matter how dire it seems to get.
“About Me: Part Two - That Light? Yeah, It’s a Train…”
“Look at my life. I had everything I ever wanted. I had been married for thirteen years, and my marriage is now under cruise control.
We had just purchased the home that I planned to turn into my perfect forever home.
I had a great job working for my mentor for the last fifteen years and had AMAZING work friends. I was even on a couple of leadership boards where my ideas were coming to fruition. I was making good money and doing something that made me proud.
And, of course, my beautiful, amazing, and funny daughter, G-Money. I could clearly see my future relationship with G was going to be amazing! So there were bumps in the road; that is totally normal, right? Life was as good as it was going to get.”
“Remember, fairytales aren’t reality.”
About Me: Part One - How I Got Here:
I have decided that if my story has any value, I need to tell it ALL!
Even the absolute and most HUMILIATING pieces need to be shared because this is real life; it is not made-up fodder for social media. I’m hoping
this gives me “street cred” for making it to the other side! But seriously, sharing my trauma is healing, in that rip-off band-aid kind of way, and,
hopefully, gives a little hope to those who feel hopeless. Perhaps the most essential thing is that if I don’t laugh, I will cry.
And I REALLY HATE crying. So, here goes nothing; try to keep up; you may want to take notes!